Follow Us
We post the most up-to-date news and events on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.
Who We Are
The Friends of Duncan Library is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports the operations of the Duncan Branch Library, located in the heart of the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Va.
Membership donations and monies raised by the Friends are used to help fund activities and purchase materials not covered through the City budget. We always welcome new members. Please join online or pick up a membership form, available at Duncan, across from the circulation desk. Memberships and contributions are tax deductible and valid for one calendar year.
What We Do
The Friends sponsors a variety of educational and enrichment programs that include children’s programming, enhancing the overall collection, a cinema club and and other programs for adults. Money raised by the Friends primarily supplements the Library’s materials and programming budgets. Examples on how funds are spent include:
- Purchasing Zoom Webinar subscriptions so library events can be held virtually.
- Supporting the SummerQuest children’s programs
- Purchasing juvenile non-fiction materials
- Purchasing games for after school programs
- Sponsoring adult programs, including the Film Club
- Enhancing the audio book collection
- Growing the adult fiction collection
- Sponsoring community events hosted by Duncan Library
- Purchasing equipment and supplies for the library
- Contributing funds for library improvements/remodeling
- Beautifying and landscaping
Our primary forms of fundraising are membership campaigns and book sales.
Friends of Duncan Library Voted Heart of Del Ray 2024
Want to get involved? Join us for a board meeting or volunteer.